Mobycon Study Tours

Experience Dutch mobility for yourself!


At Mobycon we think the best way to understand what makes the Dutch mobility system so successful is to experience it for yourself! That’s why we are inviting visitors from around the world to come visit us and take part in our unique study tour experience. The Netherlands is a country that has implemented a number of impressive transport practices, most notably for cycling. Each day, the Dutch cycle in numbers unrivalled by any other nation, cycling at any age and easily combining it with trips on foot, public transport and even cars. At the same time, neighbourhood streets have been designed to be safe, comfortable places that inspire sociability and play.

By sharing our successes, discussing our challenges and looking at the latest in innovations, we aim to help stakeholders from global communities see what is possible as they endeavour to create their own more people friendly places. Visitors can take the lessons learned over decades of building cycling cities in The Netherlands and apply that knowledge in their own cities and to propel their own cycling planning forward.

Our Study Tours have been designed for any who is keen to learn from the mobility expertise of the Dutch; the planners, engineers, designers, professionals, politicians and advocates who have played a role – past, present and future – in creating a nation of safe, comfortable and accessible cycling.

How can we help inspire you?

Our study tours help you:

Understand Dutch mobility through first-hand experience

Learn about infrastructure and public policies in the Netherlands

Generate ideas that can be applied to your local context

Study Tours and Field Trips

We are pleased to offer both standard Study Tours and Field Trips on a variety of different themes and for a variety of professionals. Tours follow our established program exploring a number of themes based on your needs and desired learning outcomes. Themes will be explored through presentations by our experts, bicycle and walking tours and practical assignments. We can also cater tours to your specific needs and desired learning. The locations you may visit include cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Groningen, Delft and Houten.



View our tours and field trips